Dr. Richard Lippin

Advocate for a bio-psycho-social-spiritual (BPSS) model of health care

As a new bio-psycho-social-spiritual (BPSS) model of health care imminently emerges, contemporary psychology, sociology, and theology will emerge as core disciplines which will be fully integrated with bio-medical science. This is anything but anti-technology. It is leveraging technology so it can achieve its full and glorious potential.


Early Influences:

My parents Alfred and Margaret Lippin
Bishop Fulton J Sheen
Ayn Rand
Shel Silverstein
Mahatma Gandhi
Carl Jung
Sir William Osler
Johann Sebastian Bach
Vincent Van Gogh
Wilhelm Reich
Rollo May
Wassily Kandinsky
William Blake
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Willis Harmon
Jonathan Cage
Scott Joplin

Later Influences:

My wife Lynn Lippin
Marilyn Ferguson
Vaclav Havel
Bernie Siegel
Mr. (Fred) Rogers
John Vasconcellos
Woody Allen
Richard Selzer
Jean Houston
Harry Chapin
Sheldon Samuels
Larry Dossey
Joan Borysenko
George Carlin
John Diamond
Todd Siler
Diane Ackerman
Robert Root-Bernstein
Patch Adams
Jacob Liberman
Shawn McNiff
Michael O'Donnell
Gary Schwartz
Wayne Dyer
Lennart Levi
James Pennebaker
Michael Samuels
Andrea Boccelli

Lippin Essays

Spiritual Aesthetics - its role in the new 21st century medicine

Mental Illness in U.S. Presidents--"Call Me Incompetent But Don't Call Me Crazy" 

The Long Battle Between Western Allopathic Medicine and Alternative Medicine is Over…pass the peace-pipe 

If I Were President Obama’s Health Care Czar - This is what I would tell him

How the Common Lowly Earthworm Led Me to My Life's Unifying Principle

An essay that describes my view of the arts as a spiritual path

Remarks on Bridges

Stress Release: Emerging Tool in Total Stress Management Program

Excessive or poorly managed stress represents a threat to worker health, safety and productivity

Applying lessons from the work of art - Business and Health

Intriguing notions of how the work of being an artist can inform and transform the work environment.

Responsible pleasures: A doctor's prescription for what ails you - The Futurist

For a longer, healthier life, physicians may increasingly prescribe "responsible pleasures" such as artistry, sexuality, and satisfying work.

To the Editor - Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Two major trends in the growth of alternative medicine: mind-body medicine and health properties of pleasure.

To the Editor - Re: A new research model for the common cold - Philadelphia Medicine

The limitations of the traditional infectious disease model.

Words - Embodied

Man’s Physiological Need for “Good” Words - The Physician’s Obligation to Provide Them

Keynote Address - “The Arts: Are They Real Medicine?”
Remarks at the Spirit of Hospice Awards Dinner

Alternative Medicine in the Workplace

This paper describes the US workforce in transition, provides an overview of occupational medicine including current programs and emerging issues, describes the current applications of alternative medicine interventions in the workplace, and argues for future expanded application of alternative medicine in workplace settings.

A Case for the Arts: As or In Religion

Women in the Workplace: From Stress to Strength

A Rationale for the Cross-Cultural Use of Graphic Symbols in Occupational and Environmental Health Education

Workplace Stress, Depression, and the Overuse of Antidepressant Drugs in the Workplace

Biomedical Reductionism Falls Short